Can You Use Low-Code and No-Code Platforms for Application Development? The Honest Answer

Gone are the days when you had to worry about hiring application developers for business app development. Now, you have low-code and no-code platforms that you can use to build apps just like you build castles out of LEGO blocks.

But wait. If you can actually create applications with low-code and no-code platforms, why do still have developers around?

Well, that's because while such platforms are great, they cannot do everything. Yet. 

So the question is not about whether you can use low-code and no-code platforms for application development. It is about which apps can be created using these platforms and which applications need expert application developers.

Let's get straight to that now. 

Types of Apps That Can Be Developed with Low-Code and No-Code Platforms

Low-code and no-code platforms can be used to create a variety of applications, including:

1. Internal Business Applications 


These types of apps only require basic functionality and thus low-code and no-code platforms can be used to build such apps with ease.

2. Basic Apps


Low-code and no-code platforms offer pre-built templates and modules along with simple drag-and-drop interfaces which can be used to create simple and basic applications for the web, Android, or iOS.

Apps That Need Expert App Developers

Low-code and no-code apps are great for simple app development, however, they are not without their share of limitations. 

Certain types of applications can't be created with such platforms and require expert app developers. These include

1. Complex Enterprise Applications


Complex enterprise apps typically require extensive customization and integration with other systems. Thus, expert developers are required to write the code for these and integrate these apps with various internal and third-party systems.

2. Gaming Applications


Gaming apps require complex game mechanics, advanced graphics, and animation, which is possible only with expert game developers.

3. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Applications


AR and VR applications require advanced 3D modeling and graphics, thus expertise in 3D modeling and graphics development is required for these apps.

Summing Up

To sum up,

low-code and no-code application development

Low-code and no-code platforms are an excellent alternative to traditional app development for:

1. Internal Business Apps

2. Basic applications 

However, low-code/no-code apps have their limitations and can't be used for the following kind of app development:

1. Complex Enterprise Apps

2. Gaming Apps

3. AR and VR Apps

Based on the type of app you wish to get developed for your business, the budget you have, and the kind of outcome you are expecting, you can either go for a low-code or no-code platform or hire expert application developers.


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