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Harnessing AI for Smarter Software Development

Software developers usually like things to be certain.  Input something and get a predictable output.  That's the traditional way. But the real world isn't always so straightforward.  Enter AI, which works more like a probability game, predicting and generating behavior without absolute precision. That’s why traditional software gets updates, but AI learns and evolves on its own, adapting to user feedback without manual intervention.  Now imagine if the predictability of software development merges with flexibility AI - that would be an epic combination, right? No, we don’t mean using AI to automate software development . What we mean is harnessing the power of AI making the process of software development simpler and more efficient.  Let’s take a look at how it can happen. Using AI At Various Stages Of Software Development Step 1: Requirement Analysis Traditional Approach: Understand and document the software requirements based on user needs. AI Integration: Natural Language

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