Benefits of Progressive Web Application

PWA stands for Progressive Web Application – a website that looks and behaves just like a mobile app. Users can add it to the main screen of their smartphones. PWAs can send push notifications, access the hardware of the mobile device, and even work offline or in an unstable connection.


Benefits of PWA


1. Fast

PWAs provide quick responses to user interfaces with smooth scrolling and animations. It enables users to access various features like push notifications and offline capabilities in no time.


2. Push notifications

If PWAs are used as a part of a good messaging strategy, then with the help of push notification features, you can keep customers engaged, thus motivating them to open and use an app more often.


3. Enhanced Security

PWAs rely on HTTPS to provide data safety and minimize the risk of security issues, as this protocol allows to preclude snooping and content tampering. Also, the applications take advantage of Web Bluetooth technology that includes certain security capabilities.


4. Seo-Optimizable

The progressive web apps can benefit from SEO-optimization and improve their visibility in the Google search. The apps leverage the advantage of being a website and run on web browsers.


5. Always up-to-date

With PWAs, users don’t have to download and install updates to get access to the latest version. As long as they’re connected to the internet, PWAs can ensure the most up-to-date content is always available. This allows you to publish new content to the PWA without affecting customer experience as it would be instantly refreshed.

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