Top 5 Web Development Trends for 2021


The world of information technologies is changing rapidly. Every day we see new web development trends. They provide businesses with many opportunities to attract more visitors and overcome market rivals.


Latest Web Development Trends


1. Progressive Web Apps (PWA):

Progressive Web Apps, as the name suggests, are bearing the flag of the future in the web development world. PWA offers cutting-edge functionalities that support interactive mode, responsive action, offline way of working, app-like functions, and offer good quality web applications. This technology is apt at revolutionizing client experience bigtime.


PWA has been a top favorite of organizations who are in look for a mobile-first approach. It works seamlessly on both – desktop and mobile. It is proved that PWA has a higher conversion rate than native apps. It supports value-added technology features like transport layer security, application shell architecture, etc. Some of the organizations leveraging PWAs are Twitter Lite, Forbes, Starbucks, Pinterest, OpenSooq, ZEE 5, Treebo, etc.


2. Push Notifications Are Getting Popular:

Push notifications have been a normal important feature in a mobile app. But now they are getting used in web development now. It helps in notifying users whenever there is new content present barring the need to checking emails or browsing sites.


It is almost as same as popups, but the difference is that it can come to you at any point of time, even if you are not on a website. The user can be kept engrossed without much to do. This feature comes up with a higher clicking rate and gives better results than normal routine marketing efforts.


Push notifications help in staying in touch with clients, worldwide, and offer a great client experience. They come up with direct communication between the clients and the businesses. They keep your client base connected to the brand they are keen for.


3. Single-page Applications

A lot of worldwide known companies as Uber, Facebook and Google have already started using single-page applications. A SPA or a single-page application is an app that works inside a browser and does not require page reloading while being used. One of the main advantages of single-page applications is their UX which provides the user with a maximally natural environment. Unlike in case with traditional web apps, there is no need to wait for the page reload as SPA loads a page only at the first request. The content changes but the page remains the same. It allows a user to enjoy easy and uninterrupted scrolling. Single page applications can also effectively cache any local data, therefore they are more convenient if a user has poor internet connection — the data gets synchronized with the server as soon as the internet appears. The top-rated SPA frameworks are React.js, Angular.js, Vue.js, Meteor, and Backbone.js.


4. Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT has become one of the most revolutionary technologies in the world that have impacted almost every business domain in the world. It has been adopted by varied businesses to use for various purposes from business automation to healthcare tracking devices. Nowadays companies and organizations are utilizing IoT-enabled web development solutions to improve their website processes.


5. Dark Mode

Websites with dark mode and low light user experience have been a trend for the last couple of years. This trend will continue to dominate in 2021 as well. Dark modes look great even when the visitors are browsing it in daylight.

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