Latest Web Development Trends


The world of information technologies is changing rapidly. Every day we see new web development trends. They provide businesses with many opportunities to attract more visitors and overcome market rivals.


Latest Web Development Trends


1. Artificial Intelligence

Almost all the modern developments have the influence of AI on them to some extent. For instance, chatbots. Most service providers have turned to bots to help them with customer care. The programming is such that they are able to resolve general user queries with ease. The era of robots is in full swing. Different companies have started to leverage the benefits of deploying the services of AI in their user interface. Unlike popular opinion, AI is not here to snatch jobs away from people. It's here to complement their skills and drive human focus from monotonous jobs to innovative development.


2. Voice Search Optimization

Either we talk about Siri from Apple, Alexa & Echo from Amazon, Google Assistant from Google or any other – voice search technology has witnessed a huge spike in its demand & popularity in the last few years. And, with the same concern, web developers are also required to optimized their websites for voice search aspects to stay ahead in the domain. In general, the technology allows you to speak your query to the device for getting the required information or search results instead of typing the keywords in the search box. As it offers features like ease of use, time-saving, etc., it is being more preferred by the users.


3. Single Page Application

If there is one thing that's conquering the digital world today, it's a single page application. Some simplified illustrations of this development trend include Facebook, Gmail, and Github. It eliminates the requirement to load every single webpage. Instead, it uses Javascript to load all the content. Since the waiting time is less, the number of users increases. Moreover, they don't abandon a site in the middle. The technology renders the web pages directly into the browser of the user. The application is the best way to develop sites requiring a high level of responsiveness.


4. Progressive Web Applications

Although Progressive Web Applications are not a new name in the web development world, they’ve gained momentum in the past few years. As the number of smartphone users is increasing exponentially, there is a rising demand for PWAs in the market as it eliminates the need for installation of the application to run it on the device. Hence, Progressive Web Applications replicates the experience of a native app without downloading and installation processes. There are various features of PWAs such as integrated & engaging, higher efficiency, cost-effectiveness, better conversion rate, and many more. Moreover, Flipkart, OLX, Pinterest, etc. are among the few renowned examples of the Progressive Web Applications.


5. Motion User Interface

Motion User Interface is indeed the best way to enhance the user experience as it is concerned with the UI that consists of any kind of animations, graphics, transitions, illustrations, videos, etc. on the web page. As there are numerous websites available over the web for the same niche, Motion User Interface helps you to differentiate yourself from other competitors with some unique designing advancements to draw the user’s attention. And Motion UI is not only about better visuals but it also helps you to represent the information in a more engaging & creating way that subsequently boosts the website performance.

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